Donors - Jesse Owens Museum

donateThe Jesse Owens Memorial Park Board thanks everyone who made a gift in support of the initial construction of The Jesse Owens Museum and Park. We continue to need your support to realize the Museum’s vision to perpetuate the legacy of Jesse Owens and to educate youth and adults with his inspirational story. Gifts help maintain and update exhibits, upgrade technology and connect to the world thru our website.


State of Alabama
Alabama Council on the Arts
Alabama Power
Alabama Sports Foundation, Inc.
American Legion Post 15, Decatur
Appalachian Regional Commission
Roger Bedford, State Senator
Carolyn Besnyl, Hartselle
Dr. & Mrs. George Balas, Memphis
Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church
Congressman Tom Bevill
Fay Bradley & Bradley Family, KS
Irene Bradley Fund, Oakwood College
Brown & Root Contractors
Marcy Pinion Brown
Charles & Helen Burleson, Haleyville
Ray Campbell, State Senator
Champion International, Courtland
Chevron Corporation
Curtis & Joyce Cole, Moulton
Community Development Block Grant
David Temple Primitive Baptist Church
Major B. Davis & Elvia Davis, Texas
Ebenezer CME Church
First Baptist Church, Courtland
James (Jim) Folsom, Jr; Gov.’93-’95
Forestry Grant – Rural Revitalization
Mrs. Marvin Galin, Cullman
Gobble-Fite Lumber, Decatur
Hampton Inn Save-A-Landmark
Issac H. Harris, Kansas City, MO
Hoover, Inc. Decatur
Marjorie Howlet, Town Creek
Kenneth Lambert, Moulton
Forrest “FOB” James, Jr., Gov.’95-’99
Jesse Owens Family, Chicago
Jesse Owens Memorial Park Board
Joe Wheeler Electric Cooperative
Drs. Fran & James Johnson, Madison
Land & Water Conservation Fund
Lawrence County Commission
Lawrence County Recreation Committee
Lawrence County Track Club
Lawrence County United Way
Sam Letson, State Representative
Jody Letson, State Representative
Littrell Lumber, Moulton
Dr. Angelo Mancuso, State Rep.
Steve McLemore, Moulton
Heidi H. Medenica, Madison
Moulton Garden Club
Moulton Implement Company
National Park Service
Nelson Family, Montevallo
North Courtland Primitive Baptist Church
Oakville Citizens Recreation Committee
Ohio State University
Renita Jo Pearson, Birmingham
Piggly Wiggly, East Lawrence
Louise Pinion Art Gallery, Tuscaloosa
James & Nancy Pinion, Moulton
Pepsi Bottling, Decatur
Linda & Bartlett Rainey, Birmingham
Red Bank Missionary Baptist Church
Annette Sanderson, Moulton
Charlie Seifried, Decatur
Barrett C. Shelton, Jr., Decatur
Billy Warren & Nancy Shelton, Moulton
James Speake, Esq., Moulton
Soil Conservation Service
St. Mark Primitive Baptist Church
Sue Jac, Inc. Decatur
Wendell Sivley, Moulton
Harold Speake, Esq., Moulton
James & Emma Taylor, Oakville
Tennessee Valley Natural Resources
Tennessee Valley Trophy Company
Thornton Stanley Construction, Inc.
Traveller Information Services, HSV
TVA Economic Development
Union Planters Bank, Moulton
Carl Wyman & Ann Warren, Moulton
W Morgan-E Lawrence Water Authority
Wheeler Chapel Missionary Baptist
Hoover White, Courtland
Thurman White, Oakville
Norman M. Wilson, Oxford, PA